Tuesday, September 29, 2009

and foot!

While browsing through Rudolf Steiner's Prayers for Parents and Children, I was jarred to see two words in the following poem, er prayer.

The sun illumines
Stone, plant, beast and man.
Our soul enlivens
Head, heart, hand and foot.

The light rejoices
When stones sparkle,
Plants bloom, beasts run,
And people work.

So should our soul rejoice
When our heart grows warm and wide,
Enlightened thoughts grow strong,
Enheartened will can work.

In Waldorf circles it's pretty common to hear the words "head, heart, hands," but this is the first time I have ever seen them followed by the words "and foot." It goes without saying that Waldorf education, or Steiner education as they call it on this side of the Atlantic, does emphasize creative movement as an educational construct. But without saying it, it remains unsaid. Unspoken. Unemphasized. In browsing through the prayers, I notice that Steiner does emphasize it. In these prayers he mentions stepping and walking fairly often, which leads me to wonder when the words "and foot" got axed from the curricular mantra and why.

Here's a funny and brilliant TED video that reminds us to put the and foot back in education, embrace creativity, and make mistakes.

Thanks to my very dear friend MoxyJane for sharing it with me!


  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I forgot to bring my headset to the library with me (as I'm reading this on my laptop there), so will have to watch the video later.

    The poor feet deserve some recognition, having to bear our load all day long, day in and day out. They're neglected until something goes wrong and then we realize how valuable they are. :)

  2. And foot! You must have the tapping of the feet, the stepping on tip toe, the kicking of the leaves, and the splashing in the puddles!

    And the dancing. Always, the dancing.


  3. Very interesting foot-notes.


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