Eugene Schwartz - Grade 6 download
Path of Discovery: Grade 6 - Eric Fairman
Spiritual Syllabus Grades 5-6 - Alan Whitehead
Waldorf Curriculum Overview - Christopherus
Grade Six files at waldorfhomeeducators - M. Johnson
Math Lessons for Elementary Grades - Dorothy Harrer
String, Straightedge and Shadow
Beginner's Guide to Reconstructing the Universe
The Joy of Mathematics - Pappas
Drawing Geometry - Jon Allen
Geometry Lessons in the Waldorf School, Ernst Schuberth
Mathematics Lessons for the Sixth Grade - Ernst Schuberth
Teaching Mathematics... Classes I-VIII, Ron Jarman
An English Manual - Dorothy Harrer
McGuffey's Fourth Reader
McGuffey's Speller
Ancient Rome - Charles Kovacs
A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome - Alberto Angelo
Teaching History I - Roy Wilkinson
Teaching History II - Roy Wilkinson
Castle - David Macaulay
A City, David Macaulay
The Living World of Plants
Botany - Charles Kovacs
Drawing from the Book of Nature (love this!)
Handbook of Nature Study
Physics is Fun
Assorted picture books
Das Sind Wir - Peter Oram
Neue Fibel: Teil 3 - Paul Dohrmann
Kinderlieder Kinderreime
Singing Every Day - Lila Belle Pitts
Various recorder books
Various piano books
Eugene Schwartz - Grade 6 download
Path of Discovery: Grade 6 - Eric Fairman
Spiritual Syllabus Grades 5-6 - Alan Whitehead
Waldorf Curriculum Overview - Christopherus
Grade Six files at waldorfhomeeducators - M. Johnson
Math Lessons for Elementary Grades - Dorothy Harrer
String, Straightedge and Shadow
Beginner's Guide to Reconstructing the Universe
The Joy of Mathematics - Pappas
Drawing Geometry - Jon Allen
Geometry Lessons in the Waldorf School, Ernst Schuberth
Mathematics Lessons for the Sixth Grade - Ernst Schuberth
Teaching Mathematics... Classes I-VIII, Ron Jarman
An English Manual - Dorothy Harrer
McGuffey's Fourth Reader
McGuffey's Speller
Ancient Rome - Charles Kovacs
A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome - Alberto Angelo
Teaching History I - Roy Wilkinson
Teaching History II - Roy Wilkinson
Castle - David Macaulay
A City, David Macaulay
The Living World of Plants
Botany - Charles Kovacs
Drawing from the Book of Nature (love this!)
Handbook of Nature Study
Physics is Fun
Assorted picture books
Das Sind Wir - Peter Oram
Neue Fibel: Teil 3 - Paul Dohrmann
Kinderlieder Kinderreime
Singing Every Day - Lila Belle Pitts
Various recorder books
Various piano books
well, i want ot home school my child because my chimd said they feel more ocmforted if they stdied at home then school...and myself and my child belive that they are losing matters in life..religion
ReplyDeleteHow did you like Geometry Lessons in the Waldorf School? I;m trying to decide if I should buy it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for any thoughts,
I really did like this book. It starts teaching geometry from the most basic level I have ever seen, in a very experiential way. The cd has some pdfs with beautiful colored-pencil drawings which are helpful as well.
DeleteI think the thing to note about this book is that the first half is intended for grade 4, so it's very... simple, I guess. It focuses mainly on drawing lovely geometric form variants and coming to understand the basic ideas and shapes (in a synesthetic way). The second half is aimed at grade 5, so it is only the last 20 pages that deal with bisecting angles and lines and the Pythagorean theorem.
I used this book later than grade 4 so I ended up supplementing the main lesson with other geometric drawings-- the kind one normally sees when they think of geometry in Waldorf ed. It was successful, but to be completely honest, I think it took up a lot of time and still didn't cover the more advanced ideas-- those are in Schuberth's 6th grade book: First Steps in Proven Geometry.
I like the way he presents things, but if you follow his progression, geometry takes a really long time to work through (you almost need to start it in grade 4 to get through it all). If you feel strong in this subject, you might consider having a look at the section on geometry in Making Math Meaningful by Jamie York. He lays it all out there in a very clean way, so that you can easily see what needs to be taught in grade 6 geometry. I didn't have York's book when I was doing grade 6 with dd1, but it is presented much more succinctly (honestly, his entire book is fantastic).
I think the material choice would depend on your confidence in the subject and what your child responds best to. If he/she needs to go at it from an experiential/feeling way, then the Schuberth book is perfect. If I had to do it all again, I would have used York's book with dd1 because she likes to dive head first and get to the meat of the work. With dd2, a synesthet, I will definitely be using Shuberth's progression again. She really needs to "feel" each subject.
I hope that helps some. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.