We're only days away from the start of another amazing NaNoWriMo November. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself.
Last year I had so much fun with it. I learned about it from my friend Teresa midway through November and decided to immediately jump right into the fray. It was incredibly fun and challenging. This year I'll have the entire month of November to explore my creative writing endeavors. Not just me though, it's fun for the whole family!
The girls are participating in NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program (YWP)-- setting their own goals and writing stories out by hand. I've been secretly piecing together some writing books for them to keep them motivated, and I anxiously await our small classroom kit I purchased from the folks at NaNoWriMo. And t-shirts! Because honestly, this an amazing thing-- taking part in a movement that supports individual creativity and literacy and... it's like camp, but better! They even have merit badges!

Seven-year-old Moonshine has already asked if she can write bad words in her story for November, and I have to laugh. She means words like "hate" and "stupid," which don't fly in our house. But in writing? Of course! I think she'll get them out of her system.
The girls have been busy making character sketches and dreaming up ideas, and in addition to my 50k private creation, I've agreed to match their word count with a G-rated story of my own over as a home educator on the YWP. So far the only tangible ideas I have are for a completely different non-fiction project, which maybe I'll work on if I meet my daily fiction word count goals... and if my wrist holds out. I strained it last week biking back from the river. With me it's usually all or nothing.
Note to self: Never try to push a bike (pulling two kids in a bike trailer) up a steep hill.
Meanwhile, we'll continue our homeschooling during the month, including celebrating the lovely Martinmas... so hopefully I'll have some posts to share. November will be anything but dull, so feel free to kick me in the comments if I get quiet. And if you're Nano-ing, drop me a comment so I can cheer you on!