Saturday, June 10, 2006

Multiculturalism through cooking

Tonight Einstein brought to the table the most exquisite salad I have ever tasted. It wasn't your typical salad, it was weird, and it seemed to have a bit of everything in it. The girls and I oohed and aahed over how pretty it was and how great it tasted. Moonshine, our pickiest eater, didn't have any complaints. Her mouth was too full to complain!

Immediately I thought of some dear little friends we know that have a bit of difficulty when it comes to trying new and/or mixed dishes. Their mom has had to get creative in the past, including finding an endearing bunny story to go along with The Yoga Cookbook's carrot soup recipe. Maybe her kids would like this salad, too. But what story would she tell them?

As I stirred it around in my bowl, it occurred to me that really it was a melting pot of many nations. She, I, or anybody could make this salad (or any other recipe, really) with our kids and tell a story as we go along. A story about some children from different nations all over the globe who somehow come together and create a meal with what they have brought from home-- sort of a Stone Soup without all that trickery involved.

How do these children come together anyway? Maybe they're on a boat ride traveling around the world picking up passengers as they go along. Maybe a child from each nation has been beckoned by the Fairy Queen. Or to borrow a theme from the Seven-Year-Old Wonder Book, maybe these children from different nations all just lost their first tooth and meet along the way to visit Prince Frey.

Anyway, they meet. They're hungry, and they decide to look in their satchels and share what they've got with each other to make a fine meal. Sakoto from Japan puts her rice into the big pot. Pedro from South America gets out his knife and slices up a ripe and juicy mango. Susan from America looks in her bag but all she has is a handful of rasins.... and one by one they take their turn looking for what they have and adding it in.

And at the end of it they have a grand meal fit for the Fairy Queen herself. Or maybe that's their task, to make a meal of love for the Fairy Queen to save her from a horrible spell? Whatever the case, it simply tastes good.

Einstein's International Salad1 can garbanzo beans
cooked rice ~ 1/2 cup
chopped mangoes ~ 1 - 1.5 cups
some toasted almonds (sliced) ~ 1/2 cup
some raisins ~ 1/3 cup
finely chopped onion ~ 1/4 cup
a touch of rice or white wine vinegar
salt and pepper

1 comment:

  1. What story would their deal ol' mom tell, indeed?! Thanks for the's on the frigde, awaiting summer. (how did I miss this post originally?)


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