Thursday, July 13, 2006


I seem to be regressing over here. In the past week I have managed to trip over, whack into, and step on just about everything in my path. I look like someone took a stick to me-- cuts, scrapes, bruises. One step forward, three steps back. Luckily I feel physically better than that.

Sunburst feels better than that, too. Her throat-clearing has almost cleared-up entirely thanks to a reassuring visit with the family doctor on Monday. It seems that the lump on her head is indeed a lymph node, which presumably could be caused by something as small as a scratched mosquito bite on the scalp. Who knew?

Last week I painted the living room yellow, enlisted the girls help in cleaning the carport and the car, finished up a pile of knitting projects, made three batches of pesto fresh from the garden, and plowed through a stack of mending on the sewing table. This week I haven't done nearly an eighth of all that. It has been hot, humid, and overcast. Aside from an amusing retelling/reinactment of Iron Henry, our only homeschool-like moments were confined to a long overdue trip to the local library on Tuesday afternoon. We managed to check out 26 books, and in less than 24 hours we read 23 of them, including three Kirsten books for Sunburst.

It feels like we're taking in a large, nourishing drink. Our thirst for reading material, if nothing else, is a great preparation for our Saints lesson on Columba in the Fall.

Since our formal "schooly" time has slowed down lately, I thought I'd stick with the current manner of all things retrograde and summarize some of our Grade One lessons from earlier in the year. We had a heap of fun with them. So stay tuned for those.

Until then, we have three more books to read...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you're thinking about lessons in the fall?? That's pretty PROGRESSIVE!

    We went to the library twice this week...and left with way too many books (no, because there is just not such a thing!). We love books...and we love you and are glad that you are feeding your thirst.

    Yummy soups up yonder!


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