Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patties Day!

Look! It got warm! We spent most of the day outside enjoying the warm sunshine and all the crocus in the yard.

I happily toiled for hours digging nettle roots out of the garden bed I hope to plant in very soon. The nettle was six feet high when we moved in, so the roots are everywhere and deep. Such a lot of work for the smallest space, but nothing makes me happier than digging in the garden.

Not much school was done today... a little painting... can you tell we're excited about Spring?!

A green, semi-Irish dinner... potatoes with almond-arugula pesto and a green salad.

The leprechauns made an overnight visit and played the usual tricks-- moving furniture, turning things upside-down, and making things green. The kids were delighted, as always. However, this year something was extra fishy. In addition to the chocolates for the kids, the leprechauns left a couple presents for Einstein and me. This has never happened before... but I have to admit, one of those leprechauns is a fine little knitter.

Wishing you all a beautiful, warm St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray that you had a warm spring day today! Nothing beats digging in the garden - how I love that! You had such a lot of fun today and your knitter certainly knitted up some lovely little gifts. Happy St Patrick's day and wishing you more warm, spring days.


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